
运动百科 2024-04-18 11:06:43 14283


网友分享:网球场 tennis court 双手 double handed 草地 grass,lawn 旋转 spin 碎石 macadam 上旋 forward spin 水泥 cement 下旋 backspin 木板 wood 平击 flat 沥青 asphalt 正手 forehand 端线(底线) base line 反手 backhand 发球。


李娜 Li Na When you do one thing, people think it's right or wrong. Maybe half-half. I don't care what the other half says. I do what I want. I was working for myself, I'm not working for a。


网友分享:三盘两胜 the best of three sets 【英语牛人团】。

致敬网球句子英语,鼓励打网球的句子 第1张


网友分享:Modern tennis in general, including indoor and outdoor tennis tennis in two forms. Tennis originated 12-13 century French missionaries in the church corridors in the palm of your hand with a ball game. The court later 。

致敬网球句子英语,鼓励打网球的句子 第2张


中文是:我喜欢网球。英文是:I like tennis.也可以用其他的方式来表达相同的意思,例如:I love tennis.或者 I am fond of tennis.或者 I am crazy about tennis.或者 I care for tennis.都有喜欢的意思。以上答案供。

致敬网球句子英语,鼓励打网球的句子 第3张


网友分享:I can play tennis very well.play tennis是打网球 very well是状语,修饰 play tennis 。

6、著名的网球运动员李娜具有坚强的毅力 英语翻译句子

◆The famous tennis player li na has a strong willpower 。


网友分享:Tennis is a game played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players (doubles). Players use a stringed racquet to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt (most of the time 。




I have learned the tennis, I will call my friends to play with me when I have time. Now I am a big fan of the tennis match, I will watch the tour matches once I am free. My love to tennis is 。