
运动百科 2024-04-25 13:04:02 16106


So I put a Band—Aid here after returning home。星期六,我跟一些男孩在操场踢足球。当我跑去控球时,我和另一个男孩撞到一块,倒在地上。他的脚踢到了我的右脚踝。他的鞋上有种坚硬的东西使我的脚踝流血了。所。


football.当我放学回家时,我就踢足球。I often play football with my classmates.我经常和我的同学踢足球。


踢足球的英语作文如下:Yesterday my companions and I held a football game in the playground. We were divided into two groups, with eleven players on each side. When the game started, both of us played activ。

英语踢足球文案短句带翻译 第1张

3、一段英语翻译,谢谢大神。 我在空闲时间喜欢踢足球或者打游戏,因为足

网友分享:In my free time I like to play football or playing games, because the football is an exciting sport, football bring me the passion and joy. Because I can and my friends play games, friendship. Football a。

4、踢足球的好处 英语作文 有翻译


英语踢足球文案短句带翻译 第2张

5、用英语介绍踢足球的好处 不少于50个单词

our friendship with the member of our team.中文翻译:学生需要每天锻炼身体来保持健康,我发现踢足球就是一个很好的方法.足球是世界上最受欢迎的运动之一.我们可以在球场上奔跑上很长一段时间,还可以增加与队友们的友情.。


网友分享:friendship with the member of our team.中文翻译:学生需要每天锻炼身体来保持健康,我发现踢足球就是一个很好的方法。足球是世界上最受欢迎的运动之一。我们可以在球场上奔跑上很长一段时间,还可以增加与队友们的友情。

7、英语翻译 我喜欢踢足球,当我很小的时候就已经是个足球迷了,因为足球

I like playing football.When I was a child,I have been a football fan.Because I think football is a wonderful sport.。


答案是:come to play soccer with me !??手工翻译?尊重劳动?欢迎提问?感谢采纳??。

英语踢足球文案短句带翻译 第3张


we had a good time ( in) playing football yesterday . 采纳给分哦 。