
运动百科 2024-05-01 22:10:39 15178


网友分享:Hello, everybody。 My name is XXX, I am nineteen years old。 This is the second year that I have been studying in my university。 My hobby is playing outdoor sports and I‘m crazy about tennis。 For my。


网友分享:Tennis is a beautiful and intense sports, the origin and development of the tennis movement can be summed up in four words: pregnant in France, born in the United Kingdom, began to spread and form a climax in the 。


网友分享:France Tennis Championships, Wimbledon Championships Britain, the United States and Australia Tennis Championships tennis tournament together the world’s most prestigious “Grand Slam” tennis tournament。 Any one player or group of。

网球爱好者特点英文版,我喜欢网球的英文 第1张


去国际网联的网站看下都有,百度国际网联 。

网球爱好者特点英文版,我喜欢网球的英文 第2张


网友分享:不可以 His hobbies are playing football and tennis 一个句子中不能出现两个谓语 。

网球爱好者特点英文版,我喜欢网球的英文 第3张


I was a lover of sports, I like playing soccer and tennis, I like watching football match on TV 。


网友分享:2 when serving The player who serve in the action, not walking or running through the change of position, bipod stands only stand in other areas, not touch。3 the player's position (1) from the right to。


”(MADAMADADANE)、或者“You still have lots more to work on!” 年龄:12岁 身高:原版中是151cm,在连载的《新网球王子》中是156cm 体重:50千克 视力:2.0 血型:O型 爱好:网球、轮滑、睡觉 弱点:怕痒 生日。


she likes to play pc games and play tennis 或者 her hobby is playing pc game and tennis 。


网球 Tennis 排球 volleyball 例句:我喜欢看网球比赛(I like to watch the tennis match。)我的爱好是打排球(My hobby is playing volleyball。)。