
运动百科 2024-04-27 10:53:19 14663


鎴戝枩娆㈡墦鎺掔悆 I Like Playing Volleyball I like playing volleyball that it鈥檚 my favorite sport. Since I learned to play volleyball in PE two years ago, I was badly interested in it. Therefore, I learned i銆?/p>


I like playing volleyball that it鈥檚 my favorite sport. Since I learned to play volleyball in PE two years ago, I was badly interested in it. Therefore, I learned it with my volleyball teacher. And half銆?/p>



3銆侀兘瑕佸啓鎺掔悆鐨?鍚?30瀛楀乏鍙崇殑鑻辫浣滄枃 璋㈣阿!

I am an active young student , i like exercise.I like playing volleyball,it is my favourite sports ,everyday i go with my friends to play volleyball. more exerise have good for our healthy.many people銆?/p>




volleyball 鑻?[藞v蓲lib蓴:l] 缇?[藞v蓱:lib蓴:l]n.鎺掔悆锛堣繍鍔級渚嬪彞锛歍he style of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team in a competition is indomitable, bold and vigorous.銆?/p>

6銆佽嫳璇綔鏂?Write a letter to your pen pal, tell him / h

缃戝弸鍒嗕韩锛?/strong>銆愪竴銆戰煂葛煂葛煂告渚嬫潵鍜?鑻辫浣滄枃锛欼 am so glad to get your letter. You want to know what I like to do after the exam. Now let me tell you about it.You can鈥檛 imagine how 銆?/p>

7銆佽嫳璇綔鏂噈y pen pal

缃戝弸鍒嗕韩锛?/strong>鑼冩枃锛歮y pen pal 鎴戠殑绗斿弸銆侻aria is my pen pal She is 12 years old 鐜涘埄浜氭槸鎴戠殑绗斿弸锛屽ス杩戝勾12宀併€係he has a round face锛?blue eyes and short hair She is fromCanada She lives in the downtown ofOttawa銆?/p>


I like sports very much.So I have some sport equipments.Such as five basketball,three tennis balls,six volletballs,fifteen table tennis 姹傞噰绾?銆?/p>


缃戝弸鍒嗕韩锛?/strong>Sandy is a America girl. She is good at sports, he likes swimming,but she likes sports volleyball is the most. She is the outstanding members of the school volleyball team, in my spare time she andher 銆?/p>